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Thursday, February 13, 2025

کشیش مریم رجوی با استمالت از آمریکا خواستار سرنگونگی شد

همزمان با شو سالانه مریم رجوی در ویلپنت، تعدادی از دسته جات موسوم به هزار اشرف باند تروریست رجوی، از وزیر امورخارجه آمریکا خواستار سرنگونی حکومت ایران شدند.
۱۱۱ نفر از اعضای وابسته به باند رجوی، طی نامه ای به رکس تیلرسون، از آمریکا می خواهند هر چه زودتر حکومت ایران را سرنگون نماید تا آنها صلح و آزادی را میان مردم ایران ببرند.

افراد امضا کننده این نامه خود را فعالان حقوق بشر، نویسندگان، هنرمندان، شاعران، فعالان سیاسی اجتماعی و روسای احزاب فعال در ایران معرفی کرده اند. در صورتیکه همه آنان از اجیر شدگان و وابستگان فرقه تروریستی رجوی در اروپا و آمریکا می باشند.

سعید عابدینی در مراسم مریم رجوی
سعید عابدینی در مراسم مریم رجوی

این افراد پیشانی سیاه به سرکردگی سعید عابدینی که در زمره کشیشان مریم رجوی قرار دارد، هر گونه شرم و عرق ایرانی گری را کنار گذاشته و مدعی شده اند که آمریکا نباید همانند سال ۲۰۰۹ میلادی دست روی دست بگذارد. بلکه زودتر دست به کار شده و رژیم ایران را برای محقق ساختن خواسته های آنان تغییر دهد!

چند روز بعد در یکم ژوئیه 2017 برابر با 10 تیر ماه 1396، مریم رجوی نیز با جمع کردن سیاستمداران بازنشسته آمریکا و اروپا در سالن ویلپنت، خواستار کمک و دخالت مستقیم آمریکا برای سرنگونی و تاسیس حکومت رجوی در ایران شد.

سایر افراد امضا کننده این نامه نیز از اعضا و هواداران وابسته به سازمان مجاهدین خلق می باشند.

متن نامه ارسال شده به وزیر امورخارجه آمریکا و لیست امضا کنندگان 

111intellecuals and Dissidents Write to Tillerson, Advocating Regime Change in Iran
Honorable Secretary Rex W. Tillerson
US Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington DC 20520
June 26, 2017
Re: US Foreign Policy towards the Islamic Republic of Iran

Dear Secretary Tillerson,
Millions of Iranians took to the streets of every major city in 2009 to call for regime change in Iran. They reached out to President Obama to not only draw a “red line” between the freedom-loving people of Iran and the most oppressive regime in its history, but also to genuinely express their solidarity with the standard-bearer of human rights and democracy in our times, namely the United States of America.
However, their appeal fell on deaf ears and their hopes were dashed. Consequently, a massive wave of repression was unleashed upon them by the Islamist regime to silence their voice of dissent. It is no secret that in the past four decades the Iranian people have suffered immensely at the hands of the Islamist regime. Millions have been forced out of their homeland, thousands publically executed in city squares, and many more imprisoned and brutally tortured on a daily basis. In addition, the regime continues the development of its ballistic missile program, support for terrorist organizations and networks around the world, and destabilization of the Middle East.
It is abundantly clear that the Islamist regime in Iran cannot be rehabilitated to respect international law and join the community of nations. Your latest remarks concerning the need for Iran’s peaceful transition to a free, democratic state truly lit up the torch of hope and warmed the hearts and minds of millions of Iranians who are taken hostage by the nefarious theocracy.
America, given its moral authority and global leadership in safeguarding fundamental human rights, can no longer afford to be a bystander. As such, we the undersigned wholeheartedly support the newly adopted US policy of regime change in Iran.
Warmest Regards,

1) Saeed Abedini, human rights activist
2) Nader Afshar, political activist
3) Neli Alexander, Christian Assyrian activist
4) Davud Ali Nouri, human rights activist
5) Neda Amin, journalist for Times of Israel
6) Mohammadreza Arian
7) Sonaz Ariyan
8) Pari Asgari, radio and television host
9) Shabnam Assadollahi, broadcaster and human rights activist
10) Mohsen Atarodi, human rights activist
11) Rachel Avraham, journalist
12) Fazael Azizan, television host and human rights activist
13) Keyarash Bakhshi Sasi, graphic artist and political activist
14) Shahrokh Biniaz
15) Louise Chapman, advocate and political activist
16) Cina Dabestani, political activist
17) Tony da Costa
18) Denver Davis
19) Shokouh Ershadi, journalist
20) Amir Ezati, writer and filmmaker
21) Marta Fallah
22) Salim Fani
23) Ali Farazandeh, political activist
24) Leili Farrell, theorist and researcher in international relations
25) Amir Fassihi, inventor and human rights activist
26) Bijan Fathi, father of two executed sons and human rights activist
27) Hafez Fazeli, political activist
28) Zaman Feyli, journalist
29) Les Florskie
30) Lance N Fogel, Private Futures and Forex trader
31) Roxxane Ganji, political activist
32) Shahla Ghafouri, VP of IC Council
33) Hamid Ghahremani, political and human rights activist
34) Behrang Gholamdoust, artist
35) Esfandiar Gholamrezai
36) Jose Gomes
37) Parviz Hadadizadeh
38) Aliasghar Haghdar, author and analyst
39) Ashkan Hamzelou, physician
40) George Haroonian, Iranian Jewish community activist
41) Mohammad Hejabi
42) Mahboobe Hosseinpour, writer, television host and political activist
43) Omid Irani, activist
44) Farzam Karbasi, journalist and political activist
45) Mike Karimi, activist
46) Jamal Karimpour, Kurdish political activist
47) Esfand Khalaf, En Marche, French presidential adviser
48) Afshin Khosravi Bakhtiari
49) Abbas Khosravi Farsani, human rights and political activist
50) Ali Khosrawi, Parsian Democratic Organization
51) Behrouz Khosrozadeh, political scientist and lecturer
52) Ali Kimiai, business executive
53) Hooshang Lahooti, principal scientist and university lecturer
54) Sherry Lane, political activist
55) Linda Lundmark, human rights activist
56) Arash Mahdavi
57) Farahman Mahmoud Kalayeh, political activist
58) Kendra Malczyk, editor
59) Walton K. Martin, human rights activist
60) Amin Mazidi, singer
61) Reza Mehrbai, political activist
62) Rouzbeh Meshkinkhat, Proud Iran Party
63) Valerie Michel, political activist
64) Setareh Mihandoost
65) Masoumeh Mohammadinia, radio host
66) Marjan Mohsenin, political activist
67) Hamid Momtaz Sanati, Patriotic Organization of Iran
68) Ahmad Mostafalou, political activist
69) Negar Motamed
70) Avideh Motmaen Far, political analyst
71) Homayoun Naderifar, political activist
72) Shirin Najafi, human rights activist
73) Fereshteh Naji Habib Zadeh, journalist and human rights activist
74) Mansoureh Nasserchian, journalist and human rights activist
75) Vahid Nassrabadi, political activist
76) Japhet Ndhovu
77) Katya Nouri, human rights activist
78) Hessam Nouzary, scientist and political analyst
79) Aliakbar Omidmehr, ex-diplomat and member of Green Embassy Campaign
80) Reza Parchizadeh, political theorist and analyst
81) Reza Qolizadeh, blogger and civil rights activist
82) Mehrdad Rahbar, architect, artist and cultural activist
83) Keyvan Ramchahi, political activist
84) Mohsen Rasouli, political activist
85) Jalal Roshani, political and human rights activist
86) Mary Rowhani, scientist
87) Giti Sanoughi
88) Penina Sarah, attorney and Middle East analyst
89) Shahin Sartipi, political activist
90) Saeid Shabani, political activist
91) Adel Sharifi, theater director and social activist
92) J. Sharmahd, Kingdom Assembly
93) Jeff Sharpe, political activist
94) Sina Soleymani, political activist
95) Kambiz Soltanein, journalist
96) Faramarz Taheri, human rights activist
97) Kaveh Taheri, human rights activist
98) Sima Tajdini, journalist and human rights activist
99) Farhad Taleshi, IT specialist and political activist
100) Ali Tehrani
101) Armando Toossi
102) Carlos Toossi
103) Daniel Tousi, political activist
104) Mohammad Towfiq
105) Irina Tsukerman, human rights and national security lawyer
106) Shayan Zahrai, political activist
107) Banafsheh Zand, editor and journalist
108) Emma Faezeh Zandi, artist and journalist
109) Andresaw Zanini
110) Khosrou Zarefarid, political activist
111) Reza Zarrabi, poet and writer


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